USAH and its affiliates have a multitude of online resources that can be of help to you. While these sources may not have the answer to complicated or specific questions, they often help provide basic info. They also often provide contact info for people who could answer more difficult questions.
At the national level, you’ll find broader info, perfect for getting started:
District sources often provide localized info, an explanation of development paths, and local Referee-in-Chief contacts:
State Resources are the best find to figure out your local assignors, information about state tournaments, and to learn about what rinks exist nearby. Don’t be afraid to reach out to your state Referee-in-Chief; they want to hear from and help new officials.
Disclaimer: The content on this site is written by a kid, to help other kids and their parents. The site is not affiliated with or endorsed by USA Hockey, the NHL, or any other official organization. It is worth noting that I do not have a law or tax degree. I don’t even have a high school diploma. When in doubt, reach out to the Referee-In-Chief for your state.